Legalize Trans

Legalize Trans - Affirm, Include, Appreciate trans and gender-non-conforming people and issues

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let me begin by forewarning you of the following:

I am a writer at heart and my entries can be long - and kind of manic in the flow of thought - I over-use the hyphen and ellipses in an attempt to help you read through my randomness. The hyphens show you where to pause and prepare to shift a bit - most of the time - (case in point) - but not always (ditto).

But then again a reader like you gets it - without explanation. Or not?

(Noticing I also like to use hyphenated words - and parentheses)

I often doubt my spelling and the spell check before posting agrees - but it can't spell the words I want either - so I don't feel so bad.

Be honest - before we start - am I going to drive you crazy?
Reading, to me, is essential. Yes, in today's world you can find all the information you need online in almost every situation. Books are dying... a lost art trying to compete in a world of technology and convenience. I love my online world, but for me reality is in my spare room - the library of sorts, though in this small space I have more boxes than shelves - not for lack of trying - but the collection grows more quickly than the husband can build shelves... and in this part I tried to write more formally but it just makes me pause - in thought - so I will stay true to my hyphens –
My focus in discussion is FTM/SO – though I am open to discussion in any transgender related areas – I know best what I know from the personal perspective. My use of SO is purposeful and direct. SOFFA is an acronym that stands for Significant Others, Friends, Family & Allies - and the "O" sound is not the 'couch' sounding "O" - more like 'loft' - so just make sure when you say it you don't make us sound like furniture... but my primary concern is the SO part - the intrinsic complexity in being involved in the trans community at such a deep, personal level.
I warned you - long entries. This is just the intro.
Let me continue by telling you a bit more about myself and how I got here - posting my words somewhat anonymously yet sharing more than I ever have in such a public manner...
I can get obsessive with the internet. I recognize this and have recently kept myself in check - Telling myself I'm an adult and can't be up all night and make it to work in the morning like I could when I was younger. Then I get absolutely smacked in the face with the concept that I... Me... The Princess said "when I was younger".

Then reality sets in. There is no place to go in the morning. My job of 9 years ceased at the end of February when the store I managed was closed...

I am not a non-worker. I have a BA and really did try to fund my Masters years ago. It just never happened. But I am fixing that now - applications soon to be processed. I got stuck in working for a living not living for my work. I don't miss the job I had and did well... What I miss is the huge part of my identity I tied into the job.

Maybe I'm rambling too much - but what I want to say to you is - I'm not some loser-glued-to-the-computer-24/7... I have focused my energies into producing written words... and freelance writing sounds so much more productive than unemployed.

My head is spinning with ideas I want to share with you... This is crazy.

I am a girly girl. I always have been and always will - I love to shop - shoes and purses especially - expensive preferred but not always possible. I love cosmetics and do not go out of the house without. My toes are always pedicured - at least during months when sandals and peep-toes are possible. I do confess my hands have a bit of a gardener's look currently as I've had to find something to do with my time - but you get the idea...

And yes... Cliché as it may be... My favorite color truly is pink.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, this is Sebastian.

    I hope that you don't mind me reading what you have written. I do have a blogger account, but it is filled with very explicit erotic writing.

    I usually like to let whomever decide if they wish to read it. The words that are in that blog are words that will make you blush, and perhaps arouse you. It is my sincere desire to be truthful about the fact that I do have a blogger account and not hide it.

    Thanks. This is your blog, write in it you don't have to be grammatically correct or even spell words correctly.



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