Legalize Trans

Legalize Trans - Affirm, Include, Appreciate trans and gender-non-conforming people and issues

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Division in the SOFFA community

I posted to a SO (significant other) group I recently joined and my views and opinion were slammed by a couple of members. I knew what was coming - but I didn't expect - as one member posted - to be referred to a different group. Upon joining I agreed not to disclose discussions - so I can not post the thread - but these are my words in response - and no one can tell me I can not share them.

So if my opinion differs in any way from you I am not welcome here??? It's attitudes like this that divide our community instead of uniting it. Just as other responses claim this to be a place to rant and/or vent - is it not my place to do the same?

Trust me - my response came from a deeply emotional place as I have a dear friend (FTM) who is battling the [same] issue with his girlfriend for reasons much like the post that started this thread - and I see his pain as he struggles to be both the man he needs to be while trying to be whatever it is she feels comfortable with.

Why should my reason for saying what I say matter?

This kind of rejection and hostility is exactly what I refuse to tolerate - it is childish and immature - and it may be only the voice of a few - but after almost 8 years I feel I have experiences that many of you are yet to find - instead of rejection I would like to think that a group like this would be a place open enough to listen and not judge - and it is why I opt to stay here for discussion rather than leave as many other SOs do in my position - but most of you don't know that - because you aren't really open to understanding anyone who thinks outside of your proverbial box.

I'm hoping some feedback from outside sources may help me deal with the anger I feel.

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