Legalize Trans

Legalize Trans - Affirm, Include, Appreciate trans and gender-non-conforming people and issues

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A brilliant voice... please check out what he has to say!

Caeraeon Ash

I did consider deleting yesterday's post 'This Lonely Road'...but decided not to. It was how I felt at the time, and I did say I was going to be honest on this site - transition isn't always easy, especially when you transition outside the "trans community", either through choice or circumstance (a little of both, in my case...there's not a lot going on in my area that I can easily get to, and also, when I started transition, I deliberately kept away from other transsexuals/transgenders, in order to make the decision without any influence one way or the other - completely disproving what certain people seem to think, which is that people only transition because Trans friends 'force' them to....). If you're not 'in' the communti that much, and transition means you lose the support of your family, and even some so-called friends, it can be a lonely road. That's the simple truth of it.
But a night's sleep seems to have worked its magic, and I'm feeling considerably more cheery today, even to the point of not being too depressed about having to do housework this morning! That's all done & out the way now, and I'm just about to start playing with my new toy...a little photoprinter that makes postcards out of photographs, and can print from a computer, or a digital camera - that's an interesting change I've noticed since being on testosterone - I've got into technology and gadgets...great way to waste time!

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