Legalize Trans

Legalize Trans - Affirm, Include, Appreciate trans and gender-non-conforming people and issues

Monday, October 11, 2010

A wonderful read...

The starting point for me in creating positive changes in my life.

Shift Your Thinking

I wonder sometimes why I make life so difficult.  That's new for me. 
I used to wonder why life was so difficult. 

My dream dog came into my life a few months ago.  I wasn't looking for a dog.  There are already four cats in the house and I'm simply tired of litter boxes and hair everywhere... not that I love them any less but I do feel as if it is enough pet care in my life.  But the dog... a 12 pound Chinese Crested... a bit neurotic and very high energy.  While running in the backyard he loves to pick up twigs and sticks, not as a toy but as a snack.  The neurotic in me fears splinters in his throat but I want to maintain the intention of this post.

As autumn sets in, squirrels are enjoying the unearthing of buried walnuts from the neighbor's tree.  Baxter loves the shells and are his new favorite object of ingestion.  Every trip outside turns into a game of keep-away and it is clear in those moments who is alpha at times... he's quicker and actually enjoys running back and forth making me look clumsy and awkward.

The battle is even more ridiculous at night.  I think he has secret night vision.  Either that or he is part bloodhound in his heightened olfaction.  Either way, for the past few weeks, I have been silently cursing the squirrels for depositing the remnants across the yard. 

The other night I shifted the words in my mind.  It was a conscious decision to do so as I seem to have a natural predilection towards negative thought patterns.  I acknowledged my fondness for the squirrels as I do like watching them.  However, as with the cats, there will be work involved in my part of the relationship.  I thought to myself how much easier it could be if there was an agreed-upon drop-off location.  I continued to scan the ground for walnut shells as I imagined finding a neat little pile of shells all gathered for me.

It did not work quite that literally, but the next morning I took Baxter out as usual.  I heard the familiar gnawing coming from the tree branches overhead and sighed.  Without thinking, I walked with Baxter in his usual figure-eight pattern, a now familiar ritual he insists upon.  I heard the squirrel squeak from above and looked up to see him drop the shell about two feet in front of me.  I picked it up before Baxter even had a chance. 

I like to think the squirrel looked down and winked at me... it would make a cute ending to this tale.


We are what we think... just as we are what we eat.

It really can be that simple.  Believe it. Try it. 

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